COPD Support in Medway and Swale

Where to find support for COPD?
Healthwatch Medway is working in partnership with the Medway and Swale Health and Care Partnership to bring you this resource.
The World Health Organisation defines COPD as 'a common lung disease causing restricted airflow and breathing problems'.
Every day you take about 25,000 breaths, mostly without thinking. Our lungs are amazing, and it is important that we do all we can to look after them. Many things can affect our lung health from air pollution, diet, lifestyle, work and more.
Read how to look after your lungs and manage breathing conditions.

COPD information and advice
- Information from the NHS - Find information from the national NHS website about living with COPD.
- Information from Asthma and Lung UK - Information, advice and guidance from Asthma and Lung UK, including access to a COPD self-management plan that can help you to manage and understand your condition.
Respiratory services
Worried about symptoms?
If you think you might have symptoms of COPD, you should make an appointment with your GP. They will ask about your symptoms and how they are affecting your daily life. They’ll also discuss things like whether you have smoked and your work history (if you have worked around fumes or chemicals).
You may be referred for tests such as Spirometry or a chest x-ray (to rule out other causes of your symptoms). You cannot access these tests on the NHS without a GP referral.
Urgent care and managing flare ups
Symptoms of COPD can vary day-to-day, but you may experience flare-ups that require urgent care or treatment. This page on the Asthma and Lung UK website has information and guidance about managing flare-ups, and when to seek urgent help.
Your breath test from Lung UK
Feeling short of breath sometimes is healthy and normal – but sometimes it can be a sign of something more serious. Answer these simple questions to see what you should do next. It should only take about two minutes.

If you have COPD or Asthma, there are many things that can affect your ability to manage your health. That includes things like your immediate environment (e.g., being around mould or air pollution), how well you eat, how much exercise you get, your financial situation, whether you smoke, and how well you protect yourself from infection.
One of the ways in which you can show your lungs some love is by improving the air that you breathe in. Whilst it’s difficult to do much about the air outside, there are small changes that you can make to improve the air you breathe in your homes.
- Keep rooms aired out – Regularly open your windows for 5-10 minutes, especially when cooking or showering to keep the airflow moving.
- Regularly vacuum – It’s a good idea to vacuum weekly to remove dust and dirt particles, especially if you or anyone you are living with has allergies.
- Have a smoke-free house – do not smoke or allow others to smoke inside your house. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of lung cancer and is responsible for more than 7 out of 10 cases. You can find local stop smoking support services by clicking here.
- Use products that are chemical free – products that do not contain harmful chemicals and are allergy friendly are the best to avoid indoor air pollution.
- Keep your home warm – keep the temperature of your home between 18 °C and 21 °C to prevent any damp or condensation. You can visit the Warm Homes, Healthy Futures website by clicking here.
- Have a smoke-free house – do not smoke or allow others to smoke inside your house. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of lung cancer and is responsible for more than 7 out of 10 cases. Find your local stop smoking support services in Medway and Kent to help you quit.
So, where can you go to get support with living conditions?

Fuel and Water Home Adviser
Make your home more energy efficient, lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon emissions.
Fuel and Water Home Adviser want to help you save money on your bills at the same time reducing your carbon footprint, so whether that means being more energy efficient, switching tariffs or insulating your home to keep the heat in – they've got the advice and information to help.
For more information, or to find out how you can get help and support, click the button below.

Citizens Advice Swale
Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people’s lives.
People come to them with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefit, housing or employment problems. You may be facing a crisis, or just considering your options.
Visit the website here to find out how you can receive support.
For Medway residents, you can find the Medway Citizens Advice website by clicking the button below.
Looking for cost of living support?
Managing finances and household bills can be challenging, and unexpected costs can increase that burden. The cost of living crisis is affecting us all due to rising fuel, energy and food costs, but help is available.
If you are a Medway resident, you can find cost of living support on the Medway Council website.
Click here for cost of living support in Medway.
If you are living in Swale, you can find cost of living support on the Swale Borough Council website.

Here are some other organisations that can support with living conditions.

What is the Energy Advice and Support Service?
National Energy Action’s 'Energy Advice and Support Service' is a free service providing energy bill help to householders in England and Wales on their bills and keeping warm and safe in their home. We can also help with benefits advice and income maximisation.
People can be supported with:
- Benefits advice and income maximisation
- Support with gas and electricity accounts including fuel debt
- Switching suppliers
- Energy efficiency
- Trust fund applications
- Water rates
How does the programme work?
The project is intended to support individuals who are living with a health condition or disability that is made worse by living in a cold, damp, poor quality home, and struggling to afford the cost of their energy bills.
If you are just looking for advice, or how you may be able to get some support, click the button below to view the website.

Green Doctor
What can we do for you?
For 15 years we’ve been helping residents stay well and warm at home, and save money on their household bills. These are some of the ways we can support you when you sign up for a free phone consultation.
- Advising on suppliers or tariffs including explaining statements, energy caps, standing charges and unit rates.
- Advice on reducing energy use at home.
- Supporting with accessing the Warm Homes Discount or Priority Services Register.
- Support with applications for energy or water debt relief.
- Referring you for the installation of larger measures if needed.
- Referring you to other support organisations within your community if needed.
- Delivering small efficiency measures, such as LED lightbulbs.
Click the button below for more details of how we can help you if you are struggling with your energy bills.
If you would like to make a referral, you can visit our website by clicking the button below.
Click here to book your free consultation.
You can also make a referral by calling our freephone: 0800 233 5255
Or by emailing us at