Latest news and views

Accessibility to healthcare can vary significantly based on the needs of the individual.
Stammer is one of the biggest challenges in accessing healthcare services.

How Healthwatch addresses Health inequalities
Healthwatch has adopted a more structured approach to help those most affected by differences in the provision of and access to health and social care.

Supporting joined up and equal social and health care provision and access
Healthwatch Medway work to improve the experience of being a Medway resident regarding social needs, health and wellbeing.

Primary care work
In May, Healthwatch England shared their initial response to the Government's Primary Care recovery plan and what it would mean for you and your loved ones.

Heroic individuals and organisations working within our Mental Health Community
At the end of last month, organised by both Healthwatch Kent & Healthwatch Medway, 200 guests came together to celebrate the best in health & social care.
Support during pregnancy and when caring for those under 5 years old
The theme this month is about support during pregnancy and when caring for those under 5years old which you can download at the bottom of the page.

The Healthwatch Recognition Awards Podcast
Healthwatch Kent and Medway are proud to present our new joint podcast!
Have a listen and we hope it inspires you to start thinking…
Have a listen and we hope it inspires you to start thinking…

Healthwatch Kent and Healthwatch Medway annual Recognition Awards evening return for the third year.
This annual awards evening aims to recognise and celebrate the people, innovations and collaborations that listen to the public and deliver…

Annual Recognition Awards evening is back this year
Healthwatch Kent and Healthwatch Medway are pleased to announce the return of its annual Recognition Awards evening, now in its third year.
Latest reports and publication

What have people told us about their experiences with pharmacies?
Healthwatch Kent and Medway, alongside Mental Health Voice received 37 pieces of feedback about people’s experiences with pharmacies from 1 January to 31 October 2024.
Find out more

Steady Steps Towards a Solid Future
A report on Medway Resident’s Perceptions of Frailty, Frailty Assessments and the Falls Prevention Service.
Find out more