Calling all young people : make your voice heard
We want to hear what's good, or not so good, about children's and young people's services in Medway and Kent.

- Have you used children's NHS dentist or had free school meals?
- Have your children seen the school nurse or had vaccinations?
- What was your experience like taking them to the Doctors?
- Have you used the speech and language therapy or have your children been in hospital?
We want to hear about people's experiences of health and social care services in Medway for anyone under the age of 25.
Whether your experience has been good, or not so good, please take part to help make improvements. We'll share your feedback directly and anonymously with decision makers to help move in the right direction for young people.
If you've got any questions drop us a line at
Share your story
Your feedback will be shared directly with decision makers to ensure services can be improved for people all over Kent & Medway.