Your COVID-19 story

In these unprecedented times, Healthwatch has a role to play in gathering your stories about how Coronavirus is impacting on you generally, not just your mental health.
With most of us now at home, we are all adjusting to a new way of living. How has that made you feel?
How are the services that support you adapting to ensure you still get what you need, albeit slightly differently from before?
Are there services that are now not available at all? How are you coping during this time?
We all have so many things to consider and we want to hear about how you are coping and adjusting. Tell us what is going on in your household here
We'll share your feedback directly with decision makers. We can't help unless we know how you have been affected by this situation.
If you want to have a more detailed chat, give us a call on freephone 0800 136 656 or email