Caring during a pandemic

This week is Carers Week. We know that hundreds of people in Medway are looking after someone right now.
If you, or someone you know, has found themselves looking after someone during Covid, did you know that there may be support available to you?

Or maybe you usually look after someone, but the lockdown has made that almost impossible to do so?

Many people won't call themselves a Carer, but if you look after someone regularly then there may be help available to you.

Let us know you're situation and we can tell you what support is available.

Get in touch 

We've been chatting to Penny from Gillingham about what support is available to her.

“I’ve been looking after my mother who has Dementia. Normally she has respite care to give me a break, but the care home that she usually goes to is closed during Covid.” 

Penny told us how challenging it’s been during lockdown. “We’ve been shielding now for 10 weeks and I’ve had no support until now. It’s been useful to find out what support is available to me, so I know where to call if I need help. I would encourage people to get in touch and find out what is there for you.”

Looking after someone can be tough on a normal day, but during lockdown it becomes much harder. We know lots of people may be struggling and we really want to chat to as many of you as possible to ensure you know what support is available to you. It’s also important that we understand how you are coping so we can make sure the emergency planners hear what you need

Maggie Cane, Healthwatch Medway