Medway Councillors are listening to your feedback

In November, our report presented some clear themes including:
- The greatest concern right then was to keep people safe
- Personal Assistants clearly told us they had felt left out and forgotten
- 45% of care homes told us they felt they did get the help & support they needed
- 69% of providers felt there were lessons to be learned including discharge from hospital, timely testing and better information for Personal Assistants
- 38% of providers explained that they did not always get the support from GPs that they needed
We made a number of formal recommendations and the Health & Scruitiny Committee (HASC) have asked us to undertake a follow up report to explore what lessons were learnt, and what changed in time to support Medway's Care Homes, Domiciliary Providers and Personal Assistants.
In normal times, every Care Home should have a regular visit from a nominated GP. Since Covid began, these GP visits have largely not happened. HASC asked us to explore what impact this may have had on residents.
Do you have family who live in a Care Home or who get care at home?
Have they seen a GP in their home since Covid began? Has this been an issue?
What has their healthcare been like during the pandemic? Is there anything that could be done differently?