What do people want from social care?
Find out what Healthwatch has done to better understand people's experiences of social care services and what can be done to help people plan better for their future care needs.

It is a critical time for social care. The government’s review and upcoming green paper offers a chance to reform, improve and develop the capacity of the sector so that it is fit to meet the current and future needs of our population.
Healthwatch wants to ensure that the green paper focuses on what matters most to people who are currently using or will need to use these services in the future.
This briefing summarises what Healthwatch has found through their research.
Five findings from their research
- Many people don't know how care is funded and expect it will be free at the point of use
- Most people have given 'little thought' to their future care needs
- Individuals want to know if a care service is safe, will meet their needs and the comparative cost
- Many people don't know where to go for information to help them plan
- People want a reliable and trustworthy source for advice on social care
Download the briefing in full or find out more about our deliberative research about people's wants and needs relating to social care services.
If you need this report in a different format, please email Healthwatch England at enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk or call 03000 68 3000.
Download the briefing