Celebrating excellence at the Healthwatch Recognition Awards

Organised by both Healthwatch Medway & Healthwatch Kent, 200 guests came together to celebrate the best in health & social care.
Attendees including the Leaders of both Medway & Kent County Council applauded alongside senior representatives from every NHS organisation in Kent & Medway. Community and voluntary groups, as well as the individuals who had done the work, joined in the celebrations at Revelations in Ashford.
Every day people come to us to tell us their story. They talk to us about going the GP, or what it was like when they visited a Care Home. We hear about all NHS and social care services. These stories make a difference and tonight at our award ceremony, we were able to recognise the people who have listened to your story and used it to make a positive change for other people. So keep telling us your stories!
Medway winners included:
Carer's First Medway for using our recommendations to reach more Hidden Carers
Medway Council for listening to our feedback about Personal Assistants and ensuring they have better support and access to free PPE
Medway Public Health for working for community partners such as Medway African & Caribbean Association to reach communities who were particularly affected by Covid
Megan CIC for innovative ways to work with local schools and hear how young people are coping
We work with every single health and social care organisation to ensure that they are hearing your stories and using your experiences to improve their services. This bird’s eye view means that we see what’s working well, and what needs improving. Our Healthwatch Recognition Awards has given us the opportunity to take a moment to recognise and celebrate the best on health & social care in Kent & Medway. Congratulations to everyone who has been recognised.
For details on all the winners, read our award brochure.