Celebrating excellence at the Healthwatch Recognition Awards

Organised by both Healthwatch Medway & Healthwatch Kent, 200 guests came together to celebrate the best in health & social care.
Attendees, including the Leaders of both Medway & Kent County Council, applauded alongside senior representatives from every NHS organisation in Kent & Medway. Community and voluntary groups, as well as the individuals who had done the work, joined in the celebrations at Revelations in Ashford.
Every day people come to us to tell us their story. They talk to us about going to the GP, or what it was like when they visited a Care Home. We hear about all different NHS and social care services. These stories make a difference and tonight at our award ceremony, we were able to recognise the people who have listened to your story and used it to make a positive change for other people. So keep telling us your stories!
Winners included Kent Public Health for their work to listen to and involve people who have been touched by suicide in their work to reduce the number of suicides, Kent Association for the Blind for their exciting Iris Bus which is traveling around Kent alongside Medway Public Health for their commitment to listen and act on recommendations made by Healthwatch.
For the full list of winners and all the details click on the documents below.